Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lot's of Things

I have no cool title for you this week.

So let's start off with what I posted last time. In a funny coincidence, the Tuesday after I posted the last blog post we talked about anxiety disorders in my abnormal psych class. Turns out I definitely don't have social anxiety disorder, so SUCK IT SURVEY!! BAM!!
I'm actually a ton less anxious than two weeks ago when I posted that. Like I figured, it was just new getting to know people and classes an such.

Aside from that, I really like my abnormal psych class. I think there's some kind of prerequisite for psych teachers that they need to be slightly crazy. As a comparison, my psych professor is kind of like Howard except slightly less crazy, but still just as forward in everything. The subjects are all interesting too. I'm really enjoying all this psychology stuff.

Branching off that, and also sort of related to the first one (woot for connecting subjects!), I'm not socially anxious, but I'm definitely an introvert. This might seem super obvious to other people, but I just stumbled upon this recently. Like I literally was Stumbling on the internet and came across an article about it (I think this was it:IT....maybe. It pretty much sounds a lot like me.

People need to get over Michael Jackson. I just saw a commercial for some Michael Jackson movie. That's dumb. I don't know what everyone is obsessed with. Sure he had a few good songs a while back, but did we all forget about the stuff he did recently? The child molestation, the plastic surgery, the general crazy? I take those things into consideration just as much as his music. Although you know what would have been awesome? If at his funeral some guy was speaking, then all of a sudden the lights lower and you just hear the Thriller music start up. Then Michael Jackson just rises out of his coffin controlled by like a series of wires like a puppet and starts doing the Thriller dance. Morbid yes. Funny? I think so.

I've started writing down my dreams lately. I figured I'll get some crazy stuff out of it. I also hear tell its good for different stuff. We'll see how that goes and if I have the patience to keep doing it.

Sara may know this because I talked to her over the summer about this, but I have mixed feelings about this girl Katie. She's a real nice girl now and all, don't get me wrong. She's very nice, a good Catholic girl, very happy. But there are some things about her that just bug me. For one, she's an early morning person. I can get over that, but it's just like total opposite from me. She's also just like ALWAYS happy. Like there are some girls who are cute and they always seem happy, but at times they can get angry. But Katie is like only happy. Like I don't think I've seen any other emotion from her. That's a bit bothersome. Other than that there's just like little things about her that just irk me. But I still kind of like her and feel that I would have a good chance if I asked her out. I don't know. We'll see. Any advice is welcome :D

That's about it.


Monday, September 7, 2009

FML, Apple, and Stuff

Is that title wittier than the last? I can't tell.


So I had a moment the other day, worthy of FMyLife. I was taking a psych survey for my psych class about relationships and social stuff. Towards the end though, it started asking me all these questions like "What treatment are you receiving for your social anxiety disorder? What medication are you taking for your social anxiety disorder?" and I'm like "I don't have social anxiety disorder". And then they're like "Well, you might want to get checked out then" And I'm like FML.

But I don't think I'm that anxious around people that I have social anxiety disorder. I might be a little introverted, but not enough to warrant a clinical diagnoses. I think I just answered those questions weird, since they're like "Do you like being with people you're with, but not the one's you ARE with?" and I'm like "Yes?" and they're like "SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER!" :P

I think also I've just been real anxious about stuff, since it's like a new school year, new people, etc. Plus everyone here still thinks I'm a freshman since I wasn't in the Arts Village last year, so it doesn't help that everybody is trying to explain everything to me and treating me like I'm retarded. Also a part of that, all my old friends are back in Harshman, so I don't know like anyone here, which doesn't really help. But enough about my psychological problems. Let's talk about other stuff.

I'm excited for all the new video games coming out soon. There's L4D2, Call of Duty 2 (or 6?), Beatles Rockband, Assassin's Creed 2. So many good games! And now my roommate just installed his surround sound speakers to our dorm, so I really want to play stuff on there.

Classes are fine so far. Except physics. Physics can suck my balls.

Home has been getting tedious. My mom is going through menopause, whether she wants to admit it or not, and she's been freaking out lately. I'll say like "I'll empty the dishwasher after dinner" and she'll burst into tears and complain how I'm never home to help. Or she'll just forget stuff and when I ask what she was talking about, she'll get all upset. It probably doesn't help that both me and my bro are leaving the house this year. I hope she gets over it.

I also love screwing with the people at the Apple Store. I went there today while waiting to get my phone fixed by the Verizon people (took 2 hours in line!). So what I usually do is find the computer with the nicest, loudest speakers and turn them up all the way up. Next, I connect my iPod to the computer using the Remote app (it let's you control iTunes remotely from your iPod). Then I go to the back of the store and press play. Today's reaction was great. Carry On My Wayward Son pumped through the store and everyone turned to look at the empty computer, mysteriously playing Kansas by itself. Then one of the employees came to mute it and I paused it right before he got there, so he figured it was fine. Then, as me and Kevin were leaving the store, I played it again as we walked out, much to the delight of the shoppers :D

So that's about all the random I can fit in here. I hope it's not too long.
